Sahaja Yoga Australia

Update about Burwood Ashram

Dear Yogis,

Jai Shri Mataji!

We would like to provide an update on Burwood Ashram (10 Clarence Street) and the Collective’s ability to use Shri Mataji’s property.

When these local government initiated issues arose a team of Yogis with legal, building and architectural expertise came together with the Trustees and Coordinators. This team has been working together on these issues since they were first raised and has been actively working to resolve these issues on behalf of the Collective.

Burwood Property

Earlier in the year Burwood Local Government Council sent a notice to remove the rooms adjacent to the outside laundry at Burwood Ashram which we had indicated we would remove as part of the approved 2007 Development Application (when the second storey was built at Burwood Ashram). The removal of these rooms would allow for alignment with the allowed ratio between the built-up area of Burwood compared with open areas of the property.

Those familiar with the Burwood area will have noticed many more high-rise buildings have been developed in Burwood over the last few years. This is because in 2013 the Burwood Local Government Council allowed more high-density developments.   The Yogi working group commissioned a new accurate Land and Building Survey of 10 Clarence Street.  We believe that 10 Clarence Street now complies with the current allowed ratio of built up area to open areas.

We are in the process of submitting a formal Development Application submission to Burwood Local Government Council which if successful will mean that we will not be required to demolish any rooms from Burwood Ashram.

The Collective’s use of Burwood Ashram

Burwood Local Government Council also sent a separate notice to the Trustees about our use of 10 Clarence Street for meetings. Our use of the property was seen by Burwood Council as not being consistent with the zoning of the property. The team of Yogis has been working with an external firm of lawyers negotiating with Burwood Council.  This is a complex issue and the team have been making progress with Burwood Council to establish that we have a right to use the property as we have historically been doing.

The last and substantive matter remains around using the residence for meetings and how those meetings are defined and managed.  The team has been working with the external legal firm and we have also engaged a barrister who is an expert in the field of town planning matters to develop advice that we feel may establish that our current use of Burwood is allowed. These are complex matters involving legal interpretations of zoning regulations and defining how we use Burwood Ashram.

During our negotiations we have met on three separate occasions with the Mayor of Burwood and his Councillors as well as the Heads of the Departments involved in this matter. 
We have also visited Burwood Council for meetings with the Head of the Town Planning Department, Business Manager and Manager of Compliance and with their team leaders and compliance officers. The team of Yogis continues to work diligently on these issue with all stakeholders and with Burwood Council. We will endeavour to keep the Collective updated with further progress.

HH Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi with Her childern at Burwood, 2nd Night Navaratri 13th October 2007

Bandhans, prayers and goodwill are much needed in support of these efforts. With the Grace of Shri Mataji’s Blessings let us pray for a resolution so we may be allowed to collectively worship at the Burwood Temple of Shri Adi Shakti once again.

Your National Coordinators, Councillors and Trustees