Dear Family,
Jai Shri Mataji!
Further to my earlier email of 5 August about the challenges faced with our national fundraiser to support the Indian Collective through Covid earlier this year, I’m pleased to inform you that all the funds raised have been disbursed.
In the last email, we proposed to put the funds raised towards the Vishwa Nirmala Prem Ashram for Destitute Women and Poor Girls, a charity established with Shri Mataji’s guidance and blessing. (See Vishwa Nirmala Prem Ashram’s website.)
We also provided the option for yogis to redirect their donations, should they wish.
In the end, from a total $38,435 donated, $31,427 was transferred to the Vishwa Nirmala Prem Ashram, $5,000 to the Pratisthan Centre, $1,758 toward the Australian Primary School project, $50 toward the Adelaide Ashram and $200 refunded.
Thank you
Thank you to everyone who donated, all the funds will go to good use. Shared below is a thank you note received for our donations to the Vishwa Nirmala Prem Ashram.
With Love,