Sahaja Yoga Australia

Urgent! Borotin Kindergarten needs a Teacher – Czech Republic

Urgent! Borotin Kindergarten needs a Teacher – Czech Republic

Borotin’s website • Google map

Dear Brothers and Sisters,

Jai Shri Mataji 🌹🙏❤️


Please see below the message from Borotin Kindergarten team.

Urgent for Borotin

Thank you

Borotin needs a teacher for the spring term of 2025 (15th of March – 7th of June)

Jai Shri Mataji,

The future of the world is in the hands of our children. Please consider dedicating your time to the establishment of the next generation.

We are looking for a *Teacher* to join us in Borotin this spring.

You will be given adequate training before the term starts. We will also provide you with food and accommodation, and a small salary.

There is a beautiful forest nearby, where you can go for a walk whenever you have free time. Our team is comprised of yogis from all around the world, with whom you will be spending an unforgettable three months.

If you are interested, please write to us at [email protected].

Thank you very much for your dedication.

Daria and Erik

With all our love and respect

Borotin Kindergarten Council, Czech Republic

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