Sahaja Yoga Australia

Video now available from Establishing Self Realisation & the Chakras webcast & next webcast

“Establishing your Self-Realisation & Knowledge of the Chakras”

Dear Yogis,

Jai Shri Mataji!

The recorded video from our recent webcast to our international audience is now available for you to enjoy!

To view the video, click on the video image link below. You can also share the event’s website page with your seekers, family  and friends.

The webcast was held on Thursday 30th May 2019 at Burwood Ashram and was streamed on YouTube and Instagram. It attracted 150 viewers during the live stream and the recording has been viewed 450 times.

Viewers were presented with details of each chakra, a video by Shri Mataji describing the chakras and concluded with an in-depth guided meditation.

Establishing Self Realisation and the Chakras - Sahaja Yoga Meditation

Establishing Self Realisation and the Chakras – Sahaja Yoga Meditation

Recorded webcast video “Establishing Your Self-Realisation & Knowledge of the Chakras” from Burwood Ashram on Thursday 30th May 2019.

Previous webcasts

Video recordings of this and previous webcasts are available here.

Next Webcast

Our next live streaming event will be on Friday 21st June to coincide with World Yoga Day and the Meditate Australia Tour. More details will be sent closer to the day.

About the Webcast project

The webcast project is a national initiative so other States are invited to also host a webcast program from their collective. If you would like to host a webcast or join the webcast team then please contact us [email protected]

Lyn and Andre and the Webcast team