Sahaja Yoga Australia

Fundraising for Indonesia Tour 2024

Fundraising for Indonesia Tour 2024

Sept 25 – Oct 5, 2024

Jai Shri Mataji!

Dear brothers and sisters,

Jai Shri Mataji!

The preparations for Indonesia Tour 2024 are coming together very nicely with only 2.5 months to go!! The Tour starts in Surabaya on 25th September, touring through Java and then moves to Bali, concluding on 5th October.

Global participation

We have over 30 Sahaja Yogis attending the Tour from all parts of the globe including UK, Austria, USA, NZ, Malaysia, India, Japan, China and Australia.

Seeking donations

Australian Yogis are very welcome to donate to the Tour to support the Indonesian Collective. These donated funds will be used for hiring venues for the public programs, for advertising and for hiring venues for follow up programs. All donations are graciously accepted and will assist the Indonesian Collective greatly.

Last year the generous donations of Australian Yogis were used to pay for advertising and hiring of venues, including hiring hotel meeting room venues for follow up programs from November to January. These follow up programs in Yogjakarta, Solo and Denpasar were really successful. A good bunch of Indonesians have been meditating regularly in Yogjakarta with the one Sahaja Yogini since then (Please see the wonderful photos of the regular meditation programs below).

How to donate

Please use this account to make your donation:

  • Rennie Berry and B Johnson
  • BSB: 062-692
  • Account: 36459549
  • Reference on transfer : INDO

You can also give direct cash donations to your Councillors on the occasion of Shri Guru Puja.


If you have any further queries please do not hesitate to contact Andre via email – [email protected]

Thank you

The Indonesian Collective thanks their Australian brothers and sisters for their financial generosity and continued enlightened attention for the complete success of the Indonesia Tour.

Your continued loving attention for the establishment of a strong Indonesian collective is much appreciated.

Best regards

Australian Council and the Indonesian Tour Team

Meditating regularly in Yogjakarta

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