Sahaja Yoga Australia

Ganapatipule Seminar & Maharashtra Tour, 16 – 25 Dec, 2024

Ganapatipule Seminar & Maharashtra Tour

16 – 25 December, 2024

Dear Brothers and Sisters,

Jai Shree Mataji


With the Divine Grace and Blessings of Her Holiness MATAJI SHREE NIRMALA DEVI, we are delighted to invite and welcome you to the International Sahaja Yoga Seminar and Christmas Puja 2024, at Nirmala Nagari, Ganapatipule, Maharashtra, India from December 22 to December 25, 2024. Christmas Puja would be on December 25, 2024. Detailed information of the Seminar programme is given in the website and Circular Information sheet below:

Seminar & Tour Programme

Download Information sheet

Maharashtra tour

Further, a Maharashtra tour is also being organized, to collectively enjoy places of Spiritual interest and natural beauty in the Holy land of Maharashtra. The Maharashtra Tour 2024, would start from Mumbai on December 16, 2024 morning (tentatively) and end at Ganapatipule on December 21, 2024 evening.

We cordially invite all to join the Seminar and Maharashtra Tour for spiritual ascent. We also request you to circulate the attached circular to all, within India and abroad.

Warm Regards,
Trustees of The Life Eternal Trust, Mumbai

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