Sahaja Yoga Australia

International Diwali Puja Cape Town, 1 – 3 Nov 2024

International Diwali Puja 2024

Cape Town, South Africa
1st – 3rd of November 2024
(Puja venue location map)

Jai Shri Mataji 🙏

Dear Brothers and Sisters of the Gobal Sangha 

“Today I find all of you here as the lights sitting before Me and with these lights I feel the Deepavali really celebrated; I see the twinkling of those eyes, twinkling in the eye of that light which is within you. In the lamp of light we have to put something that is soft, like ghee; that’s something very mild and soft, is the love of our heart. And that burns to give this soothing light of love to others.”  Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi –  From Diwali Puja, Italy 1987


It is with sincere love and respect that the South African collective along with the Collectives of the Co hosting countries of this Puja, we kindly invite you to join in and celebrate International Diwali Puja, that will be held in Cape Town, South Africa on the 1st, 2nd and 3rd of November 2024. We encourage all Yogis to register on our official website. All details regarding the Puja Venue, Costs and tour packages can be found on the website.


We pray to Shri Mataji that hosting this Puja will bring great auspiciousness, not only to South Africa but to the whole of Africa and indeed the whole world. May it catalyse great spiritual evolution, global enlightenment, and peace.

We look forward to being together on this auspicious occasion and celebrate the joy and blessings of Shri Maha Lakshmi – Sakshat Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi

For more information please contact us via whatsapp 

Bhuvana Moodley: +27 725704207
Priyanka Nagar: +27 780825549
Yajnaa Haridas: +27 837833771
Collin Govender: +27 844209250

With Love and Kindness 

Your Brothers and Sisters of South Africa, the countries of the African continent and the hosting countries for the international Diwali Puja 2024 to be offered in South Africa
Mother Persia

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