Sahaja Yoga Australia

Music of Joy India Tour 2024 – Itinerary Update

*** Itinerary Update ***

8th October 2024

The Tour itinerary has been updated with the inclusion of a major new city stop and with the inclusion of Varanasi and the exclusion of two previous cities that were to host programs. Please see latest Itinerary below.

Self Realisation India Tour

16th November ~ 7th December 2024
All Sahaja Yogis are welcome to join the Tour.

Dear Yogis,

The Tour will depart on Friday 16th of November from Sydney to Delhi, returning from Delhi on December 6th. Yogis departing from other cities can meet the Tour in Delhi on November 16th.

There will be a Puja Offering at Nirmal Dham in Delhi at the commencement of the Tour as we seek Shri Mataji’s blessings for the coming Tour.

We are so happy that this trip has developed in such a collective way with yogis joining from around Australia. Music and Meditation public programs will be held throughout India.

After arriving in Delhi, the group will then fly to Ranchi to begin the Northern India tour through regional India, hosting a series of Self Realisation programs in regional centres while travelling and enjoying the vibrations and culture of our spiritual home of India. The Tour will include Patna, Bodhgaya, Muzaffarpur and Shikapur where we will be hosted in Didi’s and Rommel Sab traditional home, then onto Gorakpur ending in Ayodhya before returning to Delhi to depart for home.  Please see  updated itinerary below.


Click on the Link to Register to join the Tour

Taking time out of our normal life to undertake the seeker and pilgrim’s path is to put our life more into the attention of Our Mother. As Sahaja Yogis, we play our role as Shri Mataji’s instruments to help the Divine transform the world. Even returning to India which we all know,  taking part in the spreading of Sahaja Yoga , simply  expressed – we will not be the same when we return home.

More about the Tour.

With Nirmal Love,
The India Tour 2024 Team [email protected]
The Australian Council [email protected]

Tour Itinerary Details

Download Itinerary


“We are a new society…”

“You must have seen when you give Self-realisation, how happy you feel. The greatest happiness and the greatest joy is in giving Realisations to others. I have seen people, their faces change and people who give Realisation,their faces also get full of light. We are a new society, we are people of new age, where we have got our satisfaction in higher things.”

Shri Mataji – Shri Mahalakshmi Puja, 16 July 1996

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