Sahaja Yoga Australia

Seeking Principal for Borotin Kindergarten – Czech Republic

Seeking Principal for Borotin Kindergarten – Czech Republic

Borotin’s website • Google map

Dear Brothers and Sisters,

Jai Shri Mataji

We would like to share with you news regarding Borotin Sahaja kindergarten. Existing principal has stepped down from the function due to family reasons, after one year of service to the Kindergarten.

We would like to hereby thank the Principal for the commitment and all the work done in Borotin. Mission was fulfilled with dedication and devotion, and it was a great job done in not an easy period of time. High standards of care for our little ones were kept during the time. Borotin maintained its positive influence on our Sahaja children, which was appreciated by their parents also.

Borotin Kindergarten is now in the search for a new principal. We would like to kindly ask every Sahaja yogi or yogini reading these lines to help us find the best suitable candidate. If you know someone, who you feel could be an appropriate candidate, please support and motivate him or her to let us know and apply for the position.

Expected start is September 1st 2024, or per mutual agreement. It is important for the new Principal to get on boarded through, to learn all the important tasks.

This on-boarding will be duly provided, based on the candidate’s qualification and previous work experience, so that smooth introduction and running of the Kindergarten is ensured. Bandhans for acquisition of a new principal are cool, so please, do not hesitate and apply for the position. Please note, that due to legal requirements, we are limited to accept residents of EU member states only.

Download full details about the position and how to apply here.

We thank to all of you for your help and support, and are looking forward to hear from all candidates.

With all our love and respect

Borotin Kindergarten Council, Czech Republic

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