Sahaja Yoga Australia

Uluru / Alice Springs visit update

Uluru / Alice Springs visit update

Dear brothers and sisters,

We thought we’d give you all an update about the upcoming Uluṟu trip planned for 10-17 July 2024. We are so happy that this trip has developed in such a collective way with yogis joining from around Australia and some from China.

There was a strong desire to have a public programme while we are all there. We are so pleased to announce that there will now be two music and meditation programmes (with some members of MOJ) in Yulara and Alice Springs. Thanks as always to Shri Mataji for Her guiding hand, which we have felt at each step of the way.

Alice Springs programme (Saturday 13th July)

We have a music and meditation programme at the Araluen Cultural Precinct. We are driving to Alice from Yulara and staying one night at the tourist park directly across the road from the programme venue.

Yulara programme (Monday 15 July)

Yulara is the township place where the Shri Mahaganesha Puja was held in 2019. We have been working with a local contact and are so thrilled that they are very keen to host us at the Ayers Rock Resort (Uluṟu Meeting Place). As this is a free community event, Voyages Indigenous Tourism Australia is showing great generosity by providing the venue for free, doing the advertising and to top it off we have a complimentary meal afterwards! This is also another step in building an ongoing relationship with the locals in this area.

Please put your enlightened attention on these programmes. We desire to spread vibrations and that maximum number of people get their self realisation.

Thank You Shri Mataji for Your unending love, guidance and attention.


Information about the tour for Yogis:

Public promotions website:

~ Jai Shri Mataji ~

With love from
The Uluṟu visit team

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